Illustrated and wrote a published children's book about the Ugly Duckling. Shown above are a few example spreads.

Here are the thumbnails and storyboard from the Ugly Duckling book.

I challenged myself to Illustrate a sad scene for a children's book spread as a class project.

The cover of "A Bee's First Day". A book I Illustrated and wrote that is still in progress for publishing.

The spread I illustrated pages 26-27 of "A Bee's First Day".

Character design sheet I illustrated for the book "A Bee's First Day"

Character design sheet for the character Lucy I illustrated and created. Lucy is an energetic nine- year-old that loves to color and wears all her emotions on her sleeve.

Thumbnail sketches of child characters. The second character I used for the previous sad scene I illustrated above, and the fourth character I used for the sprite sheet for Lucy.

Illustrated and wrote a children's book spread showing a little monster and his little friend watching the sun rise.